Hilary 2015: from the Men's Vice-Captain
We had two lower boats training hard this term. Both M2 and M3 saw many freshers come up from novice rowing last term as well as returning rowers.
M2 had a new coach, Ian Macconachie, who is a returning coach having previously coached M3. His crew had a very successful term, and their commitment and many hours of training culminated in a flawless four days of rowing in Torpids and winning blades! They were able to bump very quickly every day, and were able to do so without ever having to row through the gut over the course of the whole regatta. Overall, M2 finished 8th in Div 4, going up 4 places having bumped Regent's Park, Worcester II, St Catz II, Magdalen II. Well done M2!

M3 was formed of a squad of 11 rowers this term, and this allowed the crewmembers to have more flexibility with their training. Everyone worked hard throughout the term, with much focus on improving technique and putting the power down. The improvements were continually made each session, and they are now all much better rowers because of this. M3 were required to qualify for Torpids by competing in Rowing On. Unfortunately they were not successful. They were the 8th boat to fall short and were 21 seconds slower than the last crew to qualify. With more time training on the water, and by gaining a bit more experience, we hope that they will be able to continue to improve and that they will be able to qualify for Summer Eights. I would like to thank Ben Norbury, Alex Rowe-Jones and Thibaut Lienart who volunteered their time to help coach M3.
We now look to Trinity term and Summer Eights, where we will strive to replicate the successes seen this term.
Tom Davis
Men’s Vice-Captain

Posted on Mar 18, 2015
posted under: FoUCBC Newsletter
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