Dinosaurs’ and Cassandrians’ Dinner 2016
The 2016 Dinosaurs’ and Cassandrians’ Dinner was a wonderful evening and a great success. Over 50 white blazers, old and new, could be found in the Allington Room, where members shared their memories of, and affection for, the Boat Club.
It was brilliant to see the reunion of the Dinos and Cassies who matriculated in 2000, and they proved an inspiration for many of the crews who are planning their reunions in years to come.
The evening began with a champagne reception, followed by a three-course meal and port. We continued on to the College Bar and on and out of college, which made the morning a bit difficult for some!
During the dinner, many members discussed the origins of the ‘Dinosaurs and Cassandrians’, and after talking to the College Archivist, Robin Darwall-Smith, I have to admit to not knowing the full origins of either the Dinosaurs or the Cassandrians. We would be very interested to learn more, so if you know anything about how it came about, then please do get in touch with me at ucbc.president [at] univ.ox.ac.uk.

Posted on Feb 23, 2016
posted under: Dinosaurs and Cassandrians
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