Michaelmas 2015: from the Men's Captain
The Univ Senior Men have started the year well with a term which saw the introduction of new M1 coach Tom Godleman and racing in the Isis Winter League.
With a small squad of 11 rowers, we developed our technique on the water in the 8+ and 4+ and made strong improvements each session, leading to a very satisfactory quality of rowing to build upon next term. Hard work was done by all rowers in the gym, greatly helped by a structured training plan involving ergs, weights and core strength sessions. This accumulated in smashed PBs on the ergs. Consequently, we did well in the Isis Winter League B, coming 4th in the 8+ and 1st in the 4+. With returning senior rowers and novice rowers stepping up to trial for the top crews, it looks to be an exciting Hilary term where we'll be entering Henley 4s & 8s, Men's Head of the River and, of course, Torpids.
A special mention to Dinosaur Alex Rowe-Jones who is currently trialling for a spot in the OULRC Blue Boat. Lastly a well done to the men who committed to training with UCBC in Michaelmas, braving many cold, early-morning Godstow outings.
Reilly Knight
Men’s Captain

Posted on Jan 31, 2016
posted under: term report
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