Michaelmas 2015: from the Women's Vice-Captain
Michaelmas term was off to a busy start, as usual, with a rush to recruit new members of the boat club, teach them to row or cox, and prepare them to race in Christ Church Regatta in the seventh week of term. In this challenge the help of the senior club members, as coaches, coxes and subs, was invaluable.

This year the UCBC women had two novice crews, consisting of a mix of first and second year undergraduates as well as some postgraduates. We also had two of the senior women rowers try their hand at coxing - which worked well as they were able to use their experience to help the novice rowers with technique pointers. This was definitely an advantage over some other colleges, who send out a crew of novices for their first outing with a cox who has never been near a boat before!
As always, learning to row in just six weeks proved to be a steep learning curve, but after some very committed training the two novice crews performed well at the Nephthys and Christ Church regattas, both making it through to the Friday, the third of four days of racing for Christ Church. And we've been pleased to see that many of the new rowers are keen to continue in Hilary - we look forward to some new talent joining the senior crews for Torpids.
Holly Metcalf
Women’s Vice Captain

Posted on Jan 31, 2016
posted under: womennoviceschrist churchterm report
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